How to Whislist,add to Cart

The process of adding items to a wishlist or a cart typically depends on the website or app you're using. However, here are general steps you can follow:

 Adding to Wishlist

1. Log in to Your Account: Most websites require you to be logged in to save items to a wishlist.

2. Browse Products: Find the product you want to add to your wishlist.

3. Select the Product: Click on the product to view its details.

4. Add to Wishlist: Look for a button or icon that says "Add to Wishlist" or a heart icon. Click it to add the item to your wishlist.

 Adding to Cart

1. Log in to Your Account (if required): Some websites allow adding to the cart without logging in, but it's a good idea to be logged in for a smoother checkout process.

2. Browse Products: Find the product you want to purchase.

3. Select the Product: Click on the product to view its details.

4. Choose Options (if applicable): Select size, color, quantity, etc.

5. Add to Cart: Look for a button that says "Add to Cart" or "Buy Now". Click it to add the item to your cart.

Example on Azzivone 

1.  -Wishlist

   - Log in to your Azzivone account.

   - Find the item you want.

   - Click on the item to view its details.

   - Click on "Add to List" or the heart icon to add it to your wishlist.


2.  Cart

   - Log in to your AZZIVONE account.

   - Find the item you want.

   - Click on the item to view its details.

   - Choose any necessary options (size, color, etc.).

   - Click "Add to Cart

If you need specific instructions for a Azzivone website or app, let me know!

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How to create a venders Sign Up

Creating a seller sign up process for an e-commerce platform involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and secure onboarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set this up:

1. Plan Your click here Sign up Process
-Define Requirements: Determine the information you need from sellers (e.g., personal details, business information, product categories).
-Security Measures:Plan for authentication and verification to ensure only legitimate sellers can sign up.

2.Design the Signup Form
-Basic Information:** Include fields for name, email, phone number, and business name.
- Business Information:Ask for business address, tax identification number, and business type.
-Product Information: Allow sellers to select product categories they intend to sell.
-Payment Details: Request bank account information or payment gateway setup.
-Upload Documents: Enable sellers to upload necessary documents for verification (e.g., business licenses, ID proof).

3 Implement the Sign Up Form
-Frontend Development:side language (English ) to handle form submissions and store data in a database.
- Validation:Implement client-side and server-side validation to ensure all required fields are filled and valid.

4. Create a Verification Process
-Email Verification: Send a confirmation email with a verification link.
-Document Review:Manually or automatically review the uploaded documents.
-Approval Workflow  Set up an admin panel where administrators can review and approve or reject seller applications.

5. Build the Seller Dashboard**
- Profile Management Allow sellers to manage their profiles and business information.
-Product Management  Provide interfaces for adding, updating, and managing products.
-Order Management:Enable sellers to view and manage their orders.
- Analytics and Reports: Offer sales reports, traffic data, and other analytics tools.

6. Integrate Payment Systems
Payment Gateways Integrate with payment gateways to handle transactions.
-Commission Handling: Implement logic for deducting commissions or fees from each sale.

This is a basic example. For a complete and secure application, ensure you add comprehensive validation, error handling, and security measures.

Would you like to know more about any specific part of the process?